Thursday, October 28, 2004

The block by block meetings - UPDATE.

So now, apparently, our man Chuck is telling people that Alderman Daley is just going to send a letter to the property tax payer on a property telling them when their block meeting is. Won't be appointing block captains through the Alderman's office. Pray your letter arrives in advance so that you know when the meeting is.

Word on the street is that the meeting for Fremont's 1800 and 1900 blocks will be December 6 or 13, possibly at the Old Town School of Music.

We'll try to get a schedule from the Alderman's office to post.

Also, if the Alderman isn't going to be organizing block captains anymore, we'll gladly do it for her. I'll try tomorrow to circulate a list of people who have volunteered for various blocks to be kept informed...


2000 Block of Dayton meeting is tentatively set for December 1, 7pm. The location will probably be at Christine Struminski's house or at St. James school. More to follow...


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