Alderman Daley announces...
So the people have spoken, and there will be no blanket landmarking within the Sheffield neighborhood for the moment.
After all the drama and heartache, what it all boils down to is that a mere four blocks (800 Belden, 2100 Bissell, 2100 Fremont and 2200 Fremont) expressed sufficient support from the number of ballots received that will permit her to continue discussions. (Which, based upon what she said during block meetings, means either that it probably was close to a 50:50 split, or that she got very low ballot turnout). Supposedly she will be holding another round of meetings with those block residents, along with Brian Goeken from the Landmarks Department, to see if the residents on those blocks really want to landmark themselves. No word yet on whether I'll get an invitation to present the anti-landmarks view; somehow, I doubt it. I'd be happy to debate Jonathan Fine on the issue any day though.
If you are a resident on those blocks, and receive information about the upcoming meetings, please let us know so that we can post the information; you can contact us at
What this demonstrates to me is that people care more about protecting their individual liberty and property rights than about trying to dictate how their neighbors should live. And that's a good thing, I think.
That said, I know that there are further attempts to landmark other areas, such as Howe Street, Deming, and many others in Vi's ward, and in other wards throughout the City. Let your neighbors know about this, and that they can come to us as a resource. No-one should be forced to give up their property rights without their consent. And no-one should have to re-trace our steps in figuring out what their rights are here.
There are several people who deserve to be thanked and who helped out tremendously on the organizational side. I'll send that thank-you around on our private list serve, however; no point in siccing the elitist snobs on ya just yet. ;-)
I hope that you all will continue to check in here and there. This issue raised a whole host of other items that plainly have strong interest within the community (property tax fairness and responsible land use). There also is the issue of the RANCH planning committee guidelines. Let me know your thoughts - I've learned quite a bit through this process; we have a lot of strong and smart people amongst our ranks; it would be a shame if we couldn't marshal that energy for productive uses!
Dee and all, great work...and it should continue throughout the city. In order to do that we need to raise some funds to pay debts and to finance support of new projects. Supporters should be encouraged to mail their contributions to VOCAL. Donations can be as big or small as people can afford.
Dee, you've done a great public service. I hope your success here gets publicized. How often does a rubber-stamp machine alderman get rebuked? I also hope you have an interest in maintaning and expanding this forum. Lincoln Park should have standards higher than machine sleaze. This isn't Cicero. When Bernardini, present bond lobbyist and previous alderman, retired prior to completion of his term so that he could appoint his successor, do you think Vi Daley and her husband purchased the position? And when Bernardini was appointed alderman by his predecessor, is it possible that he also purchased the job? Let's break the chain.
Hello Dee, been looking for the latest info on carbuncle and found Alderman Daley announces.... Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.
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