Friday, December 02, 2005


Now Preservation Chicago has targeted the Lakewood-Balmoral Historic District in Andersonville for landmarking. It seems that Preservation Chicago has convinced the board of the Lakewood Balmoral Residents Council (LBRC) that neighborhood tear-downs are imminent and that landmarking is the only way to stop that from happening. Of course tear-downs are not happening or even threatened in the neighborhood. In fact, a number of beautiful renovations have been completed or are underway. But it seems that renovating historic properties by individual neighbors to suit a property owner's taste is not enough for Preservation Chicago. Preservation Chicago would rather impose THEIR views and a city bureaucrat's views on what your property should look like and how it should be restored. Preservation Chiago is again calling the shots and running the so-called "informal coffees" process seeking community input on this. Naturally, Preservation Chicago has not found a single person opposed to landmarking -- of course, they won't even allow anyone opposed to landmarking to explain the downsides. Area homeowners report that the process is being tightly controlled and that the information Preservation Chicago provides is inaccurate, misleading and biased and that any disagreement or attempts to present balanced information are being stifled by the LBRC board.

To express your concerns about the biased process set up by Preservation Chicago and the LBRC board and to voice your opposition to ceding your private property rights to the Chicago Landmarks Commission, contact:

Alderman Mary Ann Smith
5533 N. Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640
Phone: (773) 784-5277
Fax: (773) 784-5033

The point person on this in her office is Marge, who can be reached at 773-293-8412.


At February 8, 2010 at 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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lolikneri havaqatsu


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