Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Where preservation really gets out of hand.

Some local villagers in Scotland don't want a developer to start his project because, no joke, they claim that fairies are living under the rocks, and the development process would disturb them.

Now, once you have confirmed that you are not actually reading "The Onion," you would think that such objections would cause their makers to get laughed out of town, right? Or, perhaps told, even if a bit tongue-in-cheek, that if they just start clapping and saying "I believe in fairies," they will ensure the ressurection of the fairies a la Tinkerbell in Peter Pan, even upon movement of the rock?

Oh, not if you are a planning bureaucrat with a cushy government job that insulates you from what we call the real world, rather than fairyland. What those ilk do is buzz back to their little list of rules and regulations. Amazingly, the Planning Inspectorate has no specific guidelines on fairies. But the developer nevertheless has to redesign his project, because, a spokesman said (with all apparent seriousness) that “Planning guidance states that local customs and beliefs must be taken into account when a developer applies for planning permission.”

Maybe Preservation Chicago can try that next. I'm sure they can trot out some ghosts who are living in various neighborhoods, and use that as a reason why nothing new can be built, or anything old improved. Have a seance or two invoking the first Mayor Daley, Al Capone and the Ghost of Mrs. O'Leary's Cow, and you could never change anything in the city ever again! Because if you don't, you're not respecting my beliefs! Quelle horreur.


At March 9, 2012 at 11:33 PM, Blogger viji said...

Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!



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