Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Another letter from homeowner to Alderman

October 29, 2004

Alderman Theodore Matlak
1824 W. Webster
Chicago, IL 60614

Dear Alderman Matlak,

I am writing regarding my concerns about the proposed landmarking of the Sheffield neighborhood.

There is concern among the neighbors that only certain people (those who are for landmarking) are being included in the process. Notices of meetings have been spotty and many people are uninformed. At the moment I have even been unable to find out if my block is included in the proposal.

Reasons not to landmark

1. City revenue
Like them or not the people building big houses are paying much more in property taxes than the
rest of us. Our taxes will go up not down if they are driven out. If every Victorian bit of trim must be saved the growth of the city will be hurt. We need this high end tax base.

2. Quality of the neighborhood.
The character of the neighborhood has been changing for thirty years. I say for the better.
I am an Architect who has won numerous awards for historical preservation. I am generally pro preservation. This said the historical building stock of the Sheffield area is some of the least distinguished in the city. Is the city going to landmark every place that people wish to build big houses?

3. Arbitrary taking of value from anyone who does not have the maximum square footage on their lot.
People’s life savings are in these buildings. Is it fair to take this from them?
Larger buildings tend not to get torn down. The smaller tend to be the least Architecturally inportant.

4. Who gets to be the design police?
Most of the new construction in the neighborhood is not inconsistent with the traditional character of the area. If the zoning laws were enforced every one would have the same right to the maximum value of their land. If landmarking is passes all decisions will go to Landmarks Commission. They will try to save everything old regardless of its value. You will become a lot busier with requests from people needing help to negotiate this cumbersome process.



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