Alderman Daley screws over poor people
Our brilliant Alderman Daley, like many other economic idiots who call themselves Aldermen, just voted in favor of making it harder for stores like Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, Kohl's and Home Depot to competitively perform in Chicago.
The so-called "big box" retailers will have to pay Chicago employees a minimum of $9.25 an hour in wages and $1.50 an hour in fringe benefits, jumping up an additional 75 cents in hourly wages and doubling the fringe benefits by the year 2010. Current Illinois minimum wage levels are set at $6.50 an hour.
Say what you want about Mayor Daley, but he at least realized that this is a horrible thing for city residents.
The RANCH newsletter and Alderman Daley of course hails the move to punish "big box" retailers as a way to protect what they view as their retail boutique shops on Armitage.
Ummm, no, if you want your nice little village of shops, and to keep the average Joe in business, and don't want to see what one perwon bitched about as overpriced cosmetic stores moving into the area, you get rid of regulations and lower property taxes so that Average Joe can make a profit. My dry cleaner just lost their lease because they simply could not afford the new lease's costs. Guess what, the bulk of those costs for property owners come from maintaining the property (made more expensive by landmarking) and ever-rising property taxes (made more expensive by excessive city government spending).
The people who are hurt by this measure are not the wealthy in Lincoln Park and elsewhere who have a car, and the ability to drive to the suburbs to stock up on dog food and diapers, or pay for Peapod to deliver their groceries.
The people hurt are the ones who can only get somewhere by taking a bus or walking; who cannot afford to spend much on food generally, let alone the Whole Foods delivery surcharge for their groceries; and who would be thrilled to get the job as a greeter at Wal-Mart.
Requiring payment of a higher minimum wage is a cost. And for every person who maybe gets an extra $20 dollars a day in pay by the ordinance, how many people who do not have much in the way of disposable income will be forced to pay extra for groceries, transportation costs, home repair, clothing, because there is no "big box" retailer nearby?
If you lack disposable income, a penny saved is more than a penny earned, not least of which because the money saved you don't have to pay payroll taxes on.
So Vi Daley's wealthy constituents aren't harmed by the fact that they have to drive down Elston street on Saturdays if they want to shop at Target, or even out to the suburbs once in a while, or pay someone to do some electrical work instead of picking up supplies at Home Depot to do it themselves. But the people who don't have cars, who are living from paycheck to paycheck, will be forced to struggle when they don't have those same options.
So here's what a vote for Vi Daley means. Standing on the side of a government that thinks nothing of stealing value from your homes, making life harder for the working poor, all in the interests of protectiving a bunch of snobs' aesthetics.
fyi... Alderman Daley voted AGAINST the big box. I suggest you double check your information before condemning her.
My Ranch Community Newsletter contains no mention of a Big Box ordinance. And you got Alderman Daley's vote wrong.
Where do you get your "facts?"
Don't bother answering.
I found it very difficult to find out how Vi Daley voted on this. It required extensive internet searching. I didn't see it published anywhere. Did anybody hear her make a public statement and explain herself? I doubt it. Just because she voted against it, doesn't put her in agreement with Dee. The mayor instructed her how to vote, and in this ward, she calculated that it was a safe non-issue. Vi Daley is too ignorant and too petrified to state an opinion.
I too found it difficult to know who voted for and against. I knew Vi Daley would vote against it because she told me the night before. Ramsin Canon, the Gapers Block political writer, was the only person I could locate for details on the vote. I published them:
I was in support of the Big Box ordinance for many reasons. Many Lincoln Parkers, even businesspeople, are in agreement, but I think the total response is more subtle than people are willing to sit and listen for.
Simplistic laissez-faire business arguments are Euclidean rhetoric from the 18th century. Labor has been hammered in America. there is a race to the bottom in global manufacturing wages. Global business is something Adam Smith and David Ricardo could not have predicted, and to use their ideas about the market as algebraically as free-market proponents do is disingenuous.
Most importantly, Wal-Mart and other major retailers, all the way down to national chains like Dominick's (Safeway) and Jewel (Albertsons) have a special relationship with the market. Their scale (which we have seen defeats smaller competitors), and their extraordinary economic dependency on external capital and external profitsharing, create trust-like anti-competitive conditions.
Just as importantly, they are the second largest corporation in the world, and they are not sharing their prosperity with their workers. In fact, their famous profitability depends on their cutting their workers out of the cycle of prosperity. They do everything they can to keep their workers part-time and on public health plans (which you and I pay for instead of them). Home Depot, Costco, and other big-boxes don't seem to have similar problems.
All over the city lately, academics and civic leaders are planning how to deal with the so-called "food deserts" and other areas in the city where business competition is not healthy. The trend is toward more localism (Local First Chicago), greater affordability (e.g., my efforts), healthy planning (CLOCC's 5-4-3-2-1, their partners' Consensus Agenda, and the Kellogg Food for Fitness program) and a smaller footprint to create a more walkable scale (Danny Block at Chicago State University).
The ordinance is not something we should be proud of. It is a blunt instrument - and it unfairly singles out the big boxes - but it does buy us time to try to implement a greater competitive grid for local business.
Chicago Tribune, Suntimes, Southtown
Economist all carried Big Box vote breakdown
day after vote. They always carry vote details.
And thanks Mr. Zelchenko for actually knowing
what you are talking about and not simply shrieking.
This is my first and last time on this blogsite, but I had to read with my own eyes------
author was not only dead wrong, but she is vicious.
Complete drivel.
So you got the facts wrong--but you have been right on on all the other stuff.
Give the girl a break--she is protecting your rights
As far as the visious comment--is Vi's passive agressive underhanded lying behavior any better? I'd rather know I have an enemy than deal with the crap we have been dealing with in this ward!
Facts can't be dismissed so easily. They are what "all the other stuff" is about.
The slurs expressed against the Alderman were incorrect. A lawyer wrote this?
All the other stuff is about the intense research on the landmarking subject that VOCAL has done.
She did screw up the facts on the big box.
But why protect an alderman who pits neighbors against neighbors, blames all decisons on somone else- so that the only direct form of communication in the Ward is now lawsuits?
She has to go.........she is hurting everyone--landmarker advocates, property right activists, the and your neighbor...
What has hurt our neighborhood is misinformation.
I just read the property values report,
"Do the Math" on this site. It is more unwarranted, mean accusation on this blog. Vi Daley is an honest representative.
No one is perfect. I'd rather be represented by
someone who is fair, even-tempered and
never malicious.
Denial of the home sales decline and
confusing some basic facts makes me wonder about what's termed research. Many wonderful buildings have been replaced by those that don't sell. We know this is a problem.
Many of us know for a fact that Vi Daley routinely tells lies. It's a mental deficiency, but she is more than welcome to get out and campaign and debate and attemmpt to dispel myths. I really doubt that you'll see her crawl out of her cave in spite of the fact that there's a coming election.
it's laughable-you can't even get her vote right on the Big Box Ordinance. someone is actually accusing the Alderman of misleading people.
keep your own house clean.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I am amused that someone could get the facts so wrong and then call another an idiot. I don't see you running for Alderman-who are you working for? Full disclosure would go on a long way with credibility questions raised by your postings. Thanks!
Your dry cleaner going out of business was
because Fred Latsko bought it. His 9th building.
A handfull of NEW owners double leases overnight and squeeze the little guy.
Latsko will tear down that and the candy store
and put up a new structure....
then he'll raise the rents and look for more chains.
He's said he wants to turn Armitage into Woodfield.
That is great except North, Cybourn & Elston are
already built.
Out of the West is being replaced by Polo...
as soon as owners got their "Class A" tennant ... they flipped the building to a California guy.
Across the street the dry cleaners were kicked out by Mark Hunt of The Armitage Collection-what a joke.
They are still trying to find tennants and refuse to speak with local businesses.That duo will be putting up another strip mall on Halsted in place
of the Infant Welfare Society-if they don't go broke.
The thing forcing out small businesses
is not taxes, insurance or landmarking,
it is pure greed and a lack of interest in serving the neighborhood.You can fleece the sheep many times but once you skin it...
John Kenneth Gailbraith said only goverment can temper the extremes of market forces on the public.
How to help local business is a question. Our marketplace is becoming choiceless and irrelevant to the surrounding community. Armitage demonstrates this and oddly, so do the food deserts on the south and west sides. I do not oppose Big
Boxes where they make sense. I oppose one size fits all business strategy, profit without responsibility
and the notion that all regulation has to be bad.
Hey Dee,
Check out the new [URL=""]Landmarks forum[/URL] at YoChicago. First post is about why lanmarking the Villa was a bad idea.
Armitage is being eaten up by a few property
owners on the scene in the last four years who double the rents and kill local businesses.
Mark Hunt and Jeff Shupak need money for
two ridiculous chain mall concepts. Their Armitage Collection is still not rented. They forced Studio 910 out and now can't rent a building they'd planned to tear down. So it is empty.
Fred Latsko is the worst.
Bennetons is dying -Bannana Republic, Anne Taylor
are leaving. Paul Frank is probably gone soon -
Latsko's rents are jacked so high even his chains won't stay.
The new landlords want quick cash not steady income. Armitage is dying in the hands of a couple of guys acting like daytraders. It is sickening.
Our taxes will prop up bad building owners on Armitage the way Clark Street was eventually
revitialized. Chains abandonned that area.
A couple of commerical building owners should not be able to hijack the rental market on Armitage. They unilaterally control the fate of local businesses.
There is no competition. Chain stores have no loyalty to this area and neither do these guys.
Nothing changed on that street to justify double rents. Armitage was Landmarked when they bought so obviously that wasn't a barrier. We should boycott buildings renting only to chains. We pay plenty in taxes and should be able to get a lunch or go to
a bakery and not get jammed by banks, T-shirt shacks and cosmetic counters.
It's embarrrasing.
This is not free enterprise it is a monopoly.
Chicago/Illinois voters need to do what Oregon voters did in 2004 - win passage of a measure to protect private property rights from eminent domain and other zoning and use ordinances (eg, landmarking)that diminish their ability to maximize their private property investment.
Similar measures will be on the ballots in Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Washington this fall (2006).
According to new Chicago Magazine -3 most
expensive homes sold in Cook County are in a Landmark District.
In unprotected areas glutted with McMansions-
prices are falling and properties sit for years.
Protect your profits and stop unscrupulous building.
DEMAND Landmarking in areas that can
still be saved.
Once again, FACTS get lost on this website.
Landmarking is not the reason Western states
are revisiting " public takings."
Private deal -making under the guise of public
development is the issue.
Municipalities hungry for money are selling off buildings, entire neighborhoods and natural areas to private developers in order to generate higher taxes.
Landmarking is one of the few tools communities have to survive and protect individudals from being driven out of their homes.
Once again, FACTS get lost on this website.
Landmarking is not the reason Western states
are revisiting " public takings."
Private deal -making under the guise of public
development is the issue.
Municipalities hungry for money are selling off buildings, entire neighborhoods and natural areas to private developers in order to generate higher taxes.
Landmarking is one of the few tools communities have to survive and protect individudals from being driven out of their homes.
There's two contradictory arguments in a row for landmarking. Next we'll hear that landmarking will end third world poverty and bring rain to the Sahara.
So your answer is profit. Forget about quality, livability and affordability in what are now
beautful and sustainable neighborhoods.
Once you cash out, who cares? But try cashing out.
A housing glut kills everyone's profits.
Soaring taxes on oversized buildings feeds
turnover and prolongs the glut.
Even if you don't it,
preservation moderates development
and stabilizes prices.
the bloggers are right .landmarking protects
individuals and neighborhoods and prevents
hyperdevelopment which dumps many homes
on the market at once.
over supply always erodes property values.
market stabiization is one beneficical result of
it was never a good idea giving nursing homes internat access
yes, "internat" access is available to everyone.
Face it, Lincoln Park got pimped! What was once a charming neighborhood with down to earth people is now nothing more than an all about me shit hole! This I can state based on the 41 years I've lived here.
Lincoln Park was been fed a diet of lies.
Developers bought low, built cheap then sold high.
Now most buyers are no longer that stupid.
30 bldgs are not selling-some for two years.
Of the McDuds that sold, many are dumped back onto the market within 2-5 years.
Owners wised-up...the buildings are not designed well, carry impossibly high taxes and require far too many repairs and have no realistic outside space.
Sunday Trib Magazine said it all..
"Giant Houses Eating Lincoln Park." Just proves
bad design is still bad even on a large scale.
At least the Crowns and Pritzkers can afford their folly. The nickle millionaire speculative
stabs at "McClass" are equally tasteless and not affordable. This party has gone bust. Stay tuned.
The fun is just beginning.
it's a satanic cult and they've been killing babies
Nope,nothing that fervent.
This mess was caused by greed and stupidity.
My sense is that landmarking is not going to solve the Latsko problem. I also am not convinced about the "formula retail" ordinance. All such darts seem to miss the target.
Does anyone have any municipal ordinance or taxation propositions that that would force landlords into a "use it or lose it" scenario, so rent speculation is not so rampant in upscaling areas? What about a punitive tax hit based on the length of the vacancy? This leans into Georgist economic principles. Tough, but effective.
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