Another letter from homeowner to Alderman Daley
Alderman Vi Daley
735 W. Wrightwood
Chicago, Illinois 60614
By Registered Mail
Nov. 4, 2004
Dear Alderman Daley:
We write to you seeking a reasonable resolution to what is becoming the most divisive issue facing your constituents in recent memory.
We have very serious concerns over the efforts of a vocal minority in the Sheffield neighborhood to force a Landmark designation on all of our homes, despite the objections of a majority of the homeowners.
We are dismayed to learn that the primary motivations of these proponents to establish a Landmark designation for the entire neighborhood are disingenuous in that they fall outside of the sole criteria to be considered by the Commission on Chicago Landmarks. (See Chapter 2-120-620 of the Municipal Code, as provided by your office.) In fact, not one of the seven sole criteria established for consideration for Landmark status apply to our home. It is clear that the concerns of the proponents of the total district Landmark status are related to zoning issues, not landmarks, and should be dealt with accordingly.
We moved to Chicago in 2003. We are proud to live in the Sheffield Neighborhood and we are members of the SNA. We view the diversity of the housing stock to be an asset to the neighborhood and one that has created a dynamic environment for investment in older homes as well as new construction. Not only has this investment been good for the neighborhood, but all residents have benefited from the economic appreciation of their property, and the City of Chicago has enjoyed a dramatic increase in the property tax contributions.
The reasonable position we ask you to support is both fair and simple. Let any individual homeowner who seeks a Landmark designation for their individual property pursue it through the established Landmarks Ordinance procedures. We have not heard of a single objection to this approach from either side of the debate. We further ask that you not support forcing the self-interest of a few over the objections of the majority.
[Name withheld]
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